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B2B HR Solution

User Interface, Product Design, Dashboard 


As part of a comprehensive solution for assessing and engaging candidates, this B2B platform is tailored to HR managers, offering extensive insights into candidates' performance and suitability levels during recruitment. Moreover, it includes an admin area customised for company administrators to facilitate seamless management. With mobile compatibility, the platform extends its capabilities to iOS and Android devices.


  1. Time Constraints: Managing a high volume of candidates while adhering to tight deadlines for recruitment processes.

  2. Tedious Administrative Tasks: Spending significant time on manual tasks such as resume screening and scheduling interviews.

  3. Lack of Insight: Difficulty in accessing comprehensive candidate performance data and metrics for informed decision-making.

  4. Complexity in Navigation: Dealing with complex interfaces and workflows that hinder productivity and efficiency.

Outcomes and Impact

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Focused on streamlining recruitment processes to conserve time and resources.

  2. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Aspired to utilise actionable insights and analytics to enhance candidate evaluation and selection.

  3. Improved Collaboration: Sought tools and platforms fostering seamless collaboration and communication within the HR team.

  4. Streamlined Workflows: Prioritised intuitive interfaces and user-friendly workflows to boost productivity and alleviate cognitive load.

Approach and Methods 

In my design approach, I aimed to address the specific pain points of HR professionals by embracing agile principles and Lean UX methodologies to streamline development. Through rapid iteration and continuous incorporation of user feedback, I ensured our solutions closely aligned with evolving requirements.
Prioritising the needs, preferences, and pain points of HR professionals, I conducted user research, defined personas, and mapped out workflows to tailor solutions to their unique contexts. Additionally, leveraging prototyping and usability testing,
I validated design concepts and gathered feedback from real users, identifying usability issues early for iterative refinement. Characterised by a commitment to continuous improvement, I regularly reviewed and evaluated our designs based on user feedback, analytics, and industry best practices, ensuring our solutions evolved to meet the changing needs of HR professionals. 

Recruitment Management
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